QI - Questioni e idee in psicologia - Il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore

Qi, il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore.
Ogni mese, cultura, scienza ed aggiornamento
in psicologia.

numero 30 - settembre 2015

Hogrefe editore
Archivio riviste


Ottobre - Dicembre 2015

Ottobre - Dicembre 2015

6 Ottobre 2015, Boston

Big Data Analytics, Management and Innovation


9-10 Ottobre 2015, Los Angeles

Fall Global Symposium for Psychology Professionals


12-14 Ottobre 2015, Istanbul

International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences


14-16 Ottobre 2015, Istanbul

International Conference on Social Sciences, Business, Management and Education


15-16 Ottobre 2015, Portland

Anger Management Specialist Certification Seminar


19-22 Ottobre 2015, Roma

International Conference for Academic Disciplines


19-23 Ottobre 2015, Portland

3rd World Congress on Excellence


22-24 Ottobre 2015, Portland

9th European Congress on Violence in Clinical Psychiatry


26-28 Ottobre 2015, Pechino

5th International Conference on History and Society Development


4-5 Novembre 2015, Toronto

International Conference on Arts, Social Science, Economics and Education


6-7 Novembre 2015, Hyderabad (India)

2nd International Conference on Stress Management Professional


13-14 Novembre 2015, Lisbona

Symposium on Business and Economics in Times of Crisis


16-19 Novembre 2015, Tampere

3rd International Symposium and Conference on Creative Education on Creative School


20-21 Novembre 2015, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

International Conference on Apparel, Textiles and Fashion Designing


24-26 Novembre 2015, Dubai

3rd International Conference on Emerging Research Paradigms in Business and Social Science


25-26 Novembre 2015, Rio de Janeiro

International Conference on Social Science, Business, Literature and Education


30 Novembre-2 Dicembre 2015, Londra

Conscious Immigrant Integration into Western Cultures


3-4 Dicembre 2015, Cracovia

International Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Rights, Violence and Dictatorship


10-11 Dicembre 2015, Bangkok

Business and Social Sciences Research Conference


14-15 Dicembre 2015, New York

3rd International Conference on Behaviours, Education and Psychology


21-23 Dicembre 2015, New York

International Conference on Innovation in Arts, Social Sciences and Education


28-30 Dicembre 2015, Dubai

International Conference on Social Sciences, Literature, Business and Education


29-30 Dicembre 2015, Kuala Lumpur

International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning


30-31 Dicembre 2015, Praga

New Year’s Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities