Novembre 2017
Novembre 2017
7-9 novembre 2017, Fukuoka, Giappone
International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Learning
7-10 novembre 2017, Barcellona
5th RSEP Social Sciences Conference
9-10 novembre 2017, Milano
17th Advanced in Business-Related Scientific Research Conference
11-12 novembre 2017, Melbourne
International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Business Management
13-15 novembre 2017, Roma
International European Academic Conference on Education and Humanities
13-15 novembre 2017, Oxford
7th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Science Studies
16-17 novembre 2017, Colombo (Sri Lanka)
2nd World Disability and Rehabilitation Conference
17 novembre 2017, Washington, DC
Women’s Leadership International Conference
22-23 novembre 2017, Birmingham
Eating disorders: Supports the Frontline