Novembre 2012 - luglio 2013
Novembre 2012 - luglio 2013
2-3 novembre 2012, Philadelphia
Alternatives to Biological Psychiatry II: Treatments that Work
1-4 novembre 2012, San Francisco
10th International Conference on Trasformative Learning
2-4 novembre 2012, Vancouver
Clinical Approaches to ADHD Challenges: Preschoolers to Seniors
7-9 novembre 2012, Barcellona
12th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders
9-11 novembre 2012, Roma
La Psicoterapia nel Villaggio Globale
10-11 novembre 2012, Brescia
Psicoanalisi nelle scienze cliniche e sperimentali: Psicoanalisi senza teoria freudiana
10-13 novembre 2012, Milano
XI Congresso Mondiale della World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation
15-18 novembre 2012, Iasi (Romania)
International Conference on Professional Development of Teachers from Kindergarten and Primary School 2012
22-24 novembre 2012, Venezia
XX Congresso Nazionale SIPF - Società Italiana di Psicofisiologia
22-25 novembre 2012, Launceston (Australia)
Neuropsychology in Action: 18th APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference
24-25 novembre 2012, Bangkok
2012 International Conference on Ethics in Human Research - ICEHR 2012
24-25 novembre 2012, Bangkok
2012 3rd International Conference on Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences - BCPS 2012
28-30 novembre 2012, Pulau Pinang (Malesia)
International Social Work Conference 2012
1-2 dicembre 2012, South Padre Island, TX
Mental Health Tomorrow: Advancing the Paradigm Shift
1-2 dicembre 2012, Gujarat (India)
6th International Conference of Management and Behavioural Sciences
5-7 dicembre 2012, Oxford
BPS: Division of Clinical Psychology Conference
6-7 dicembre 2012, Mosca
Second Annual International Scientific Conference: Early Childhood Care and Education
7-8 dicembre 2012, Singapore
Internation research symposium on interdisciplinary approaches in commerce, economics, business and social sciences
12-14 dicembre 2012, Milano
Child and Teen Consumption 2012: Food Consumption, Communication, Life Styles and Fashion
14-16 dicembre 2012, Hong Kong
Hong Kong International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society
22-23 dicembre 2012, Kuala Lumpur
2012 International Conference on Sociality and Humanities - ICOSH 2012
27-28 dicembre 2012, Parigi
The macrotheme conference on education and training
27-28 dicembre 2012, Parigi
Business and social science research conference
29-30 dicembre 2012, Hong Kong
2012 International Conference on Humanity, Culture and Society - ICHCS 2012
25-27 gennaio 2013, Bangkok
2013 Bangkok International Conference on Social Science
30 gennaio - 1 febbraio 2013, Sydney
21st Century Science: Health, Agency and Well-being
8-10 febbraio 2013, Los Angeles
The Evolution of Addiction Treatment
11-12 febbraio 2013, London
Battlefield healthcare
11-13 febbraio 2013, Sidney
2nd Global Conference: Queer Sexualities
25-26 febbraio 2013, Singapore
2nd Annual International Conference on Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology (CBP 2013)
27 febbraio - 1 marzo 2013, Tel Aviv
ADHD Worldwide 2012 - The 1st Joint Meeting
7-9 marzo 2013, Lisbona
3rd Global Conference: Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds
10-13 marzo 2013, Gerusalemme
Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Modifiability
15-17 marzo 2013, Tokyo
International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (2013 ISBS)
15-16 marzo 2013, San Paolo
Third International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society
17-18 marzo 2013, Macao
2nd International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture - ICLMC 2013
17-18 marzo 2013, Macao
2nd International Conference on Social Science and Humanity - ICSSH 2013
19-23 marzo 2013, Stellenbosch (Sud Africa)
1st World Conference on Personality
28-31 marzo 2013, Osaka
The Third Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences
29-31 marzo 2013, online
Online conference on multidisciplinary social sciences
3-5 aprile 2013, Kitakyushu (Giappone)
International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2013)
6-9 aprile 2013, Nizza
21st European Congress of Psychiatry
11-13 aprile 2013, Houston, TX
SIOP 2013: 28th Annual Conference
14-16 aprile 2013, Bangkok
Annual Conference on Management and Social Sciences (ACMSS Conference 2013)
16-18 aprile 2013, Jeddah (Arabia Saudita)
The 9th International Conference on Psychiatry: Bridging the gap between Science, Culture and Clinical Psychiatry
18-19 aprile 2013, Barcellona
20th International Symposium on Current issues and Controversies in Psychiatry
18-21 Aprile 2013, Seul
9th International Congress on Mental Disorders & Other Non-Motor features in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders
26-28 aprile 2013, Syracuse, NY
The 2013 Emphatic Therapy Conference
26-28 aprile 2013, Madrid
International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends
9-11 maggio 2013, Praga
4th Global Conference on Pain: A Making Sense of Project
9-11 maggio 2013, Praga
11th Global Conference on Violence: Prohibing the Boundaries
21-24 maggio 2013, Praga
3rd Global Conference on Femminities & Masculinities: A Gender & Sexuality Project
22-25 maggio 2013, Münster
EAWOP 2013
26-27 maggio 2013, Orvieto
Sesto Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia dell'Invecchiamento
27-30 maggio 2013, Atene
7th Annual International Conference on Psychology
20-22 giugno 2013, Padova
Conferenza Internazionale. Life Design: Instillare la speranza e fortificare la resilienza
9-12 luglio 2013, Stoccolma
ECP 2013: European Congress of Psychology
17-20 luglio 2013, San Sebastian