QI - Questioni e idee in psicologia - Il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore

Qi, il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore.
Ogni mese, cultura, scienza ed aggiornamento
in psicologia.

numero 24 - febbraio 2015

Hogrefe editore
Archivio riviste


Marzo - Luglio 2015

Marzo - Luglio 2015

5-6 Marzo 2015, Melbourne

International Conference of Attachment and Trauma Informed Practice


5-7 Marzo 2015, Madurai (India)

International Conference on Women Empowerment & Social Sciences


6-7 Marzo 2015, Barcellona

International Symposium about Current Issues and Controversies in Psychiatry


6-7 Marzo 2015, Gdansk (Polonia)

International Conference Gender, Culture & Migration


11 Marzo 2015, Washington

International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences


12-13 Marzo 2015, Chicago

“Anger, Aggression, and Violence” – National Anger Management Association 2015 International Conference


13 Marzo 2015, Minnetonka (USA)

Integrated Behavioral Health: Building Partnerships & Teams for Better Care


15-16 Marzo 2015, Bangkok

International Conference on Communication Sciences, Anthropology and Political Science


19-20 Marzo 2015, Las Vegas

International Conference on Humanities, Language and Education


20-22 Marzo 2015, Barcellona

Psychoanalysis and Politics – Migration, Exile and Polyphonic Spaces


22-25 Marzo 2015, Tokyo

6th World Congress on Women’s Mental Helath


26-29 Marzo 2015, Osaka

5th Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences


26 Marzo – 1 Aprile 2015, Firenze

The Creativity Workshop in Florence


1-2 Aprile 2015, Dubai

International Conference on Computer Science, Humanities and Education


2 Aprile 2015, Vienna

IV International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities


3-4 Aprile 2015, Los Angeles

Global Psychology Symposium


10-11 Aprile 2015, New York

International Conference on Humanities, Literature and Education


14-15 Aprile 2015, Toronto

Psychological disability and mechanisms of merger


17-19 Aprile 2015, East Lansing (USA)

Empathic Therapy Conference


17-20 Aprile 2015, Barcellona

IV International Congress on Dual Disorders and Dual Psycho-Pathology


24-25 Aprile 2015, Praga

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities


25-26 Aprile 2015, Istanbul

International Academic Conference on Education and Psychology


2-4 Maggio 2015, Ljubljana

International Psychological Applications Conferences and Trends


7-8 Maggio 2015, Melbourne

Understanding and Promoting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People


8 Maggio 2015, Toronto

10th Educational Conference on Palliative and End of Life Care: Dying Peacefully: Clinical, Emotional, Familial and Spiritual Perspectives


15 Maggio 2015, Iasi (Romania)

Ethics and Aesthetics in Personality Development Education and self-shaping through art


15-16 Maggio 2015, Roma

2nd International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology


18-20 Maggio 2015, Parigi

International Multidisciplinary Academic Conferences: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia


19-20 Maggio 2015, Singapore

Asian Congress of Applied Psychology


19-22 Maggio 2015, Atene

Recent Advances in Neuropsychiatric, Psychological and Social Sciences


22-24 Maggio 2015, Pechino

5th Conference on Psychology and Social Harmony


25-26 Maggio 2015, Toronto

12th Conference on Development of Education, Social sciences and Psychology (interdisciplinary approach)


7-10 Luglio 2015, Milano

14th European Congress of Psychology