QI - Questioni e idee in psicologia - Il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore

Qi, il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore.
Ogni mese, cultura, scienza ed aggiornamento
in psicologia.

numero 15 - marzo 2014

Hogrefe editore
Archivio riviste


Marzo - Luglio 2014

Marzo - Luglio 2014

13-15 Marzo 2014, Dublino

The 3rd Biannaul Irish Sexuality Studies Conference


14-15 Marzo 2014, Barcellona

International Symposium about Current Issues and Controversies in Psychiatry


14-15 Marzo 2014, Vancouver

Fourth International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society


2-4 Aprile 2014, Nagoya (Giappone)

International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2014)


4-6 Aprile 2014, Porto

International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends (InPACT 2014)


11-13 Aprile 2014, Bangkok

International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (ICEPAS)


13-15 Aprile 2014, Vienna

WEI Vienna International Academic Conference


2-4 Maggio 2014, Lisbona

12th Global Conference: Violence


6-8 Maggio 2014, Lisbona

1st Global Conference: Sexuality and Disability


7-8 Maggio 2014, Singapore

Asian Congress of Applied Psychology


7-9 Maggio 2014, Birmingham

The British Psychological Society Annual Conference


7-9 Maggio 2014, Kyoto

The 2nd International Conference on Social Sciences and Management


10-11 Maggio 2014, Kuala Lumpur

International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology


11-13 Maggio 2014, Parigi

International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia


13-16 Maggio 2014, Atene

Recent Advances in Neuropsychiatric, Psychological and Social Sciences


14-17 Maggio 2014, Mersin (Turchia)

Annual International Conference Cognitive – Social, and Behavioural Sciences


18-21 Maggio 2014, Bali

International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference


21-23 Maggio 2014, Padova

Persuasive 2014


21-24 Maggio 2014, Ulm (Germania)

17th EPA Section Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry Meeting: Disease Burden and Service Delivery


26-30 Maggio 2014, Boston

International Conference for Academic Disciplines


8-10 Giugno 2014, Antewerp (Belgio)

15th Biennal European Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making


9-11 Giugno 2014, Istanbul

Business Management and Economics Conference


11-13 Giugno 2014, Madrid

Twelfth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities


11-13 Giugno 2014, Vancouver

Nineth International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences


12-14 Giugno 2014, Città del Messico

3rd International Symposium on Controversies in Psychiatry: Combined Trearments


12-15 Giugno 2014, Los Angeles

The Global Business, Marketing, Finance & Economics Research Conference


14 Giugno 2014, Londra

Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society: a postgraduate conference


16-17 Giugno 2014, Hong Kong

International Conference on Teaching and Education Sciences


16-18 Giugno 2014, Istanbul

Political Communication Conference on Political Science, Media Studies and Daily Life Technologies


20-22 Giugno 2014, Melbourne

APS College of Clinical Psychologists Conference


22-23 Giugno 2014, Mosca

3rd International Conference on Psychological Sciences and Behaviors


23-26 Giugno 2014, Lublin (Polonia)

Language, Culture and Mind VI


24-25 Giugno 2014, Valencia

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Occupational Health & Safety


28-29 Giugno 2014, Calgary

11th International Conference of Management and Behavioural Sciences “An Interdisciplinary Conference”


7-9 Luglio 2014, Venezia

International Multidisciplinary Academic Summit - Multiple Perspectives on Strategy and Innovation: From Theory to Practice


7-10 Luglio 2014, Firenze

Festival della creatività


10-13 Luglio 2014, Londra

The Economics, Finance, MIS & International Business Research Conference


15-19 Luglio 2014, Losanna

European Conference on Personality


16-17 Luglio 2014, Rio de Janeiro

Fifth International Conference on Sport and Society


24-27 Luglio 2014, Brighton

ECP 2014: European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences


26-27 Luglio 2014, Istanbul

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences


26-27 Luglio 2014, Tokyo

The Global Business, Management Information System, Economics and Finance Research Conference