Marzo 2017
Marzo 2017
2 marzo 2017, Washington
Education, Humanities, and Society Development International Conference
5-8 marzo 2017, Barcellona
2nd International Brain Stimulation Conference
9-11 marzo 2017, Chandigarh (India)
International Conference on Women Studies & Social Sciences
13-15 marzo 2017, Bangkok
International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology
13-15 marzo 2017, Oxford
5th Academic International Conference on Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
14-18 marzo 2017, Firenze
The Creativity Workshop
15-16 marzo 2017, Parigi
International Conference on Social Sciences, Arts, Business and Education
15-16 marzo 2017, Abu Dhabi
International Conference on Education, Humanities and Management
17-18 marzo 2017, Bologna
Giornate di aggiornamento sugli strumenti in Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo
17-19 marzo 2017, Cocoa Beach (Florida)
International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting
19-21 marzo 2017, Orlando
International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference
22-23 marzo 2017, Langkawi (Malesia)
3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences
22-25 marzo 2017, Kobe (Giappone)
The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences
23-26 marzo 2017, Houston, TX (USA)
International Conference on Humanities and Educational Research
24-25 marzo 2017, Varsavia
“Art of Communication” International Conference
27-28 marzo 2017, Kuala Lumpur
5th International Conference on Social Sciences Research
30-31 marzo 2017, Danzica
Women’s rights and violence in the contemporary world