Maggio - Settembre 2016
Maggio - Settembre 2016
4-5 Maggio 2016, Bangkok
International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
5-6 Maggio 2016, Faro (Portogallo)
International Conference on Interdisciplinary in Social and Human Sciences
5-6 Maggio 2016, Melbourne
Understanding and Promoting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People
7-9 Maggio 2016, Kyoto
Asian Conference on Social Science and Management
7-10 Maggio 2016, Kyrenia (Cipro)
4th Annual International Conference on Cognitive – Social, and Behavioural Sciences
9-11 Maggio 2016, Barcellona
6th International Symposium: Love, Lust and Longing: Rethinking Intimacy
10-12 Maggio 2016, Antalya
4th International Congress on Clinical and Counselling Psychology
11-13 Maggio 2016, Praga
Exploring the Erotic. Bodies, Desires, Practices
11-13 Maggio 2016, Palm Beach
International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting
12-14 Maggio 2016, Mosca
5th Annual International Research-to-Practice Conference – Early Childhood Care and Education
13-15 Maggio 2016, San Francisco
Pacific Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences
15-16 Maggio 2016, Dubai
3rd International Conference on Society, Education and Psychology
17-20 Maggio 2016, Atene
Annual International Conference of the Association of Psychology and Psychiatry for Adults and Children
18-19 Maggio 2016, Rzeszow (Polonia)
The International Scientific Conference Men and Women. Differences, Similarities
18-19 Maggio 2016, Ottawa
5th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference in Psychology
20-21 Maggio 2016, Malolos (Filippine)
3rd International Conference on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences
20-21 Maggio 2016, Malolos (Filippine)
International Conference on Research in Social Scienes, Humanities and Education
20-21 Maggio 2016, Flint (USA)
Ethics and the Brain
20-21 Maggio 2016, Corfù
Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science
23-26 Maggio 2016, Barcellona
International Conference for Academic Disciplines
24-25 Maggio 2016, Parigi
International Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
27-28 Maggio 2016, Surakarta (Indonesia)
International Conference on Health and Well-Being
1-2 Giugno 2016, Boston
International Conference on Social Science, Arts, Business and Education
2-3 Giugno 2016, Bonn
2-3 Giugno 2016, Honolulu
International Conference on Sport and Society - A Common Ground Conference
2-3 Giugno 2016, Varsavia
International Interdisciplinary Boredom Conference
2-4 Giugno 2016, Plymouth
Introductory Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis
3-4 Giugno 2016, Singapore
American Counseling Association – Asia Pacific Counseling Conference
4-5 Giugno 2016, Istanbul
International Conference on Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities
8-10 Giugno 2016, Antalya
2nd Language, Culture and Literature Workshop
9-10 Giugno 2016, Antalya
23th International Conference on Medical, Medicine and Health Sciences
22-24 Giugno 2016, Singapore
2nd International Conference on Culture, Languages and Literature
24-25 Giugno 2016, Singapore
International Conference on Gender Studies
28-30 Giugno 2016, Amsterdam
3rd International Celebrity Studies Conference: Authenticating Celebrity
29 Giugno - 4 Luglio 2016, Reims
33rd International Conference on Psychology and the Arts
1 Agosto 2016, Boston
International Academic Conference on Education and Humanities
1-2 Agosto 2016, Istanbul
International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences
3-5 Agosto 2016, Kuala Lumpur
International Conference on Education, Psychology and Social Sciences
6-8 Agosto 2016, Pechino
2nd Journal Conference on Social Science and Humanity
13-14 Agosto 2016, Tokyo
International Conference on Management and Social Science
17-18 Agosto 2016, Langkawi (Malesia)
2nd International Social Development Conference
18-20 Agosto 2016,Oxford
Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
29-30 Agosto 2016,Istanbul
5th International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
30-31 Agosto 2016,Istanbul
5th International Conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy
31 Agosto – 1 Settembre 2016,Istanbul
5th International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching
31 Agosto – 2 Settembre 2016, Barcellona