Maggio 2018
Maggio 2018
2-4 Maggio 2018, New York
Emerging mental health challenges across the globe
2-4 Maggio 2018, Nottingham
British Psychological Society’s Annual Conference 2018
5-6 Maggio 2018, Boston
Annual International Conference on Organizational Behavior Human Resource, Business and Economics Research
6-9 Maggio 2018, Roma
International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & Associated Disorders
9-11 Maggio 2018, Bucarest
icSEP International Conference on Sport, Education & Psychology
10-11 Maggio 2018, Francoforte
4th International Conference on Depression, Anxiety and Stress Management
16-20 Maggio 2018, Mosca
VII International conference “Early Childhood care and Education” ECCE 2018
17-20 Maggio 2018, Berlino
II. International Social Sciences and Humanities Berlin Conference
18-19 Maggio 2018, L'Aquila
IX Giornate CLASTA
18-20 Maggio 2018, Lisbona
Psychodynamics in Times of Austerity
23-24 Maggio 2018, Kosice (Slovacchia)
International Conference on Work and Organizational Psychology – The past, the present, and the challenges ahead
24-25 Maggio 2018, Lisbona
6th ICPRL – International Conference on Psychology & Language Research
24-26 Maggio 2018, Zadar (Croazia)
21st Psychology days
26-30 Maggio 2018, Roma