QI - Questioni e idee in psicologia - Il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore

Qi, il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore.
Ogni mese, cultura, scienza ed aggiornamento
in psicologia.

numero 19 - luglio 2014

Hogrefe editore
Archivio riviste


Luglio-Novembre 2014

Luglio-Novembre 2014

24-27 Luglio 2014, Brighton

ECP 2014: European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences


26-27 Luglio 2014, Istanbul

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences


26-27 Luglio 2014, Tokyo

The Global Business, Management Information System, Economics and Finance Research Conference


4-5 Agosto 2014, Dubrovnik

The MacroJournals Conference on Medicine, Science, and Technology


4-6 Agosto 2014, Chicago

3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Addiction Research & Therapy


6-8 Agosto 2014, Taipei

International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences


12-14 Agosto 2014, Manila

8th International Conference on Organizational Innovation


21-23 Agosto 2014, Orlando

ISIS – Orlando International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia


29-31 Agosto 2014, Sarajevo

EUMMAS – International Conference on Marketing, Management and Economics


2-7 Settembre 2014, Albena (Bulgaria)

International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts


7-11 Settembre 2014, Burgas (Bulgaria)

8th International Conference on Language, Individual and Society


10-12 Settembre 2014, Tallin

3rd European Conference on Mental Health


11-12 Settembre 2014, Gdansk (Polonia)

Memory: Forgetting and Creating


11-12 Settembre 2014,Lisbona

Identity: Representation & Practices


11-14 Settembre 2014, Hyannis (USA)

Cape Cod Symposium on Addictive Disorders


16-19 Settembre 2014, Belfast

6th Wolrd Congress on Mental Health and Deafness


25-26 Settembre 2014, Singapore

International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences


25-27 Settembre 2014, Goa (India)

3rd International Conference on Psychology and Allied Sciences


25-28 Settembre 2014, Providence

The IAFOR North American Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences


26-27 Settembre 2014, Roma

2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development


26-28 Settembre 2014, Jaworze (Polonia)

Migrating Doctors? Mobility of Doctors and Health Care Professionals in Europe – Past and Present


30 Settembre – 1 Ottobre 2014, Cambridge

Faculty for Children, Young People and their Families Annual Conference


10-11 Ottobre 2014,Los Angeles

Fall Global Psychology Symposium


10-11 Ottobre 2014,Ginevra

2nd International Conference on Psychological, Behavioral and Science


13-14 Ottobre 2014,Tblisi

5th International Conference on Behavioral, Cognitive and Psychological Sciences


16-18 Ottobre 2014,Niagara Falls

Landscape of Aging: Critical Issues, Emerging Possibilities


17-18 Ottobre 2014,Dubai

International Psychology Conference


22-25 Ottobre 2014,Kyrenia (Cipro)

5th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology


24-26 Ottobre 2014,Bucarest

International Conference PSIWORLD 2014


28-31 Ottobre 2014,Roma

International Conference for Academic Disciplines


5-7 Novembre 2014, Manila

International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference: Promoting Global Progress and Excellence in Academia


6-8 Novembre 2014, Izmir

3rd World Conference on Psychology and Sociology


6-11 Novembre 2014, Constanta (Romania)

1st Virtual International Conference on the Dialogue between Science and Theology


7-8 Novembre 2014, Belgrado

2nd International Conference on Human Security


8-10 Novembre 2014, Hong Kong

2014 International Conference on Identity, Culture and Communication


12-14 Novembre 2014, Tokyo

2014 International Symposium on Education and Psychology – Fall Session


13-14 Novembre 2014, Praga

International Academic Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities


14-15 Novembre 2014, Lisbona

Symposium on Business and Economics in Times of Crisis


14-15 Novembre 2014, Melbourne

Working Together: Promoting Healthy Sex Lives


28-29 Novembre 2014, Barcellona

Global Conference on Psychology Researches