QI - Questioni e idee in psicologia - Il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore

Qi, il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore.
Ogni mese, cultura, scienza ed aggiornamento
in psicologia.

numero 27 - maggio 2015

Hogrefe editore
Archivio riviste


Giugno-Settembre 2015

Giugno-Settembre 2015

5 Giugno 2015, New York

Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry


5-6 Giugno 2015, Roma

3rd ICSD 2015


6-7 Giugno 2015, Kiev

8th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences


6-13 Giugno 2015, Miami

1st International Conference on Medical Ethics, Healthcare Systems & Global Business Issues at Sea


8-10 Giugno 2015, Istanbul

2nd International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities


8-10 Giugno 2015, Boston

WEI International Academic Conference on Education & Humanities at Harvard University


8-10 Giugno 2015, Montreal

Cognitio 2015 – Atypical Minds: the Cognitive Science of Difference and Potentialities


9-10 Giugno 2015, Kuala Lumpur

2nd International Conference on Teaching and Education Sciences


9-13 Giugno 2015, Helsinki

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2015


16-20 Giugno 2015, Montreal

28th World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention


20 Giugno 2015, Londra

Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society: A postgraduate conference


25-27 Giugno 2015, Oxford

Global Health Congress


29 Giugno – 3 Luglio 2015, Oakland

27th Conference of the International Society for Human Studies


30 Giugno – 2 Luglio 2015, Tel Aviv

STAR: Stress & Anxiety, Resilience, Copying & Thriving. 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society


1-3 Luglio 2015, Exeter

20th International Conference


6-7 Luglio 2015, Bangkok

4th International Conference on Knowledge and Education Technology


6-8 Luglio 2015, Brighton

The European Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences


7-10 Luglio 2015, Milano

14th European Congress of Psychology


8-10 Luglio 2015, Bangkok

International Conference on Spirituality, Psychology and Creative Thinking


9-11 Luglio 2015, Kos

International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education


9-12 Luglio 2015, Nicosia

International Conference on Health and Health Psychology


11-13 Luglio 2015, Bangkok

Public Health Conference


14-17 Luglio 2015, Flint (USA)

Rethinking Autism: Empathy


15-17 Luglio 2015, Neuchatel

Qualitative Research: Beyond the “Fractured Future”


17-18 Luglio 2015, Los Angeles

Global Nursing Symposium


19-20 Luglio 2015, Kuala Lumpur

International Conference on Education


20-21 Luglio 2015, Vancouver

15th International Conference on Management and Behavioural Sciences


22-24 Luglio 2015, Tokyo

3rd International Symposium on Economics and Social Sciences


23-25 Luglio 2015, Vancouver

International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology


25-26 Luglio 2015, Istanbul

3rd International Academic Conference on Social Sciences


29-30 Luglio 2015, Phuket

International Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences


31 Luglio – 2 Agosto 2015, Denpasar (Indonesia)

1st International Conference on Humanities and Transpersonal Psychology


1-2 Agosto 2015, Istanbul

12th International Research Conference on Business, Economics and Social Sciences


3-6 Agosto 2015, Kyrenia (Cipro)

3rd Annual International Conference on Cognitive – Social, and Behavioural Sciences


4-6 Agosto 2015, Yogyakarta (Indonesia)

9th International Conference of Organization Innovation


5-7 Agosto 2015, Taipei

International Conference on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences


10-11 Agosto 2015, Singapore

2nd International Conference on Education and Training Technologies


11-13 Agosto 2015, Colombo (Sri Lanka)

2nd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences


13 Agosto 2015, Boston

Interdisciplinary Conference on Education, Research, Humanities, and Statistics


19-20 Agosto 2015, Bali

International Conference on Trends in Social Sciences and Humanities


25-26 Agosto 2015, Hong Kong

4th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society


28-30 Agosto 2015, Londra

The Conference for Consciousness & Human Evolution


31 Agosto - 2 Settembre 2015, Toronto

3rd International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia