QI - Questioni e idee in psicologia - Il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore

Qi, il magazine online di Hogrefe Editore.
Ogni mese, cultura, scienza ed aggiornamento
in psicologia.

numero 28 - giugno 2015

Hogrefe editore
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ECP 2015 - Topics

ECP 2015 - Topics

A. General issues and basic processes

    1. History of psychology
    2. Research design and experimental methods
    3. Psychometrics
    4. Psychobiology
    5. Genes- environment interplay and behaviour
    6. Cognitive neurosciences and neuroimaging
    7. Sensation, perception and space
    8. Attention and consciousness
    9. Learning and memory
    10. Language and communication
    11. Motivation and emotion
    12. Intelligence and cognitive functioning
    13. Thought, decision and action
    14. Personality
    15. Artificial intelligence and expert systems
    16. Other

B. Development and Education

    1. Language acquisition
    2. School adjustment, academic achievement and learning disabilities
    3. Learning and instruction
    4. Attachment and intimate relationships
    5. Moral development and prosocial behaviour
    6. Emotion and self
    7. Social cognition, identity and social interactions
    8. Bullying and aggression
    9. Adolescent adjustment
    10. Parenting
    11. Temperament and individual differences
    12. Typical and atypical development
    13. Child abuse and neglect
    14. Developmental disorders in health
    15. Longitudinal analysis
    16. Other

C. Culture and society

    1. Ethics
    2. Family systems and processes
    3. Sex and gender
    4. LGBTQI studies
    5. Group processes and intergroup relations
    6. Attitudes and values
    7. Race and ethnicity
    8. Prejudice and social exclusion
    9. Media and communication
    10. Economic choices
    11. Forensic psychology and law
    12. Political preferences and behaviour
    13. Religion
    14. Music
    15. Qualitative methods
    16. Other

D. Work and organization

    1. HR assessment & development
    2. Leadership & entrepreneurship
    3. Teams performance
    4. Well-being at work
    5. Organizational behaviour
    6. Labour market, unemployment & flexicurity
    7. Human factors & ergonomics
    8. Innovation management
    9. Sustainable development & corporate social responsibility
    10. Traffic and transportation
    11. Tourism
    12. Safety culture and climate
    13. Age & work
    14. Workplace learning & training
    15. Career guidance
    16. Other

E. Health and clinical intervention

    1. Assessing and accrediting quality of psychotherapy training and practice
    2. Psychodiagnosis
    3. Personality assessment
    4. Psychoanalysis and psychodynamic psychotherapies
    5. Evidence based psychotherapies
    6. Family treatments
    7. Personality disorders
    8. Community psychological cares
    9. Positivity and wellbeing
    10. Sport and exercise
    11. Life styles and healthy self regulation
    12. Cognitive disturbances and rehabilitation
    13. Psycho-oncology and psychological support in chronic diseases
    14. Disaster and crisis psychology
    15. Ageing and dementia
    16. Other

F. EXPO 2015 Hot Topics

  1. Capacities building and human development
  2. Nutrition, development and wellbeing
  3. Consumer behaviour
  4. Cognitive enhancers and brain nutrients
  5. Eating disorders
  6. Psycho-social development and adjustment under conditions of poverty
  7. Psychological consequences of natural disasters for individuals, families and communities
  8. Life skills in culture and society
  9. The psychological causes of economical crisis and its related costs for individuals, families and society
  10. Psychotechnologies and life long learning
  11. Environment and sustainability
  12. Mindfulness
  13. Neuroeconomics and neuropolitics
  14. Cyber space and virtual realities
  15. Data mining