Aprile - Ottobre 2013
Aprile - Ottobre 2013
3-5 Aprile 2013, Kitakyushu (Giappone)
International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2013)
4-7 Aprile 2013, Boston
Journal of Analytical Psychology’s XI International Conference
5-6 Aprile 2013, Los Angeles
Global Psychology Symposium
6-9 Aprile 2013, Nizza
21st European Congress of Psychiatry
8-11 Aprile 2013, Parigi
International American Conference for Academic Disciplines
11-13 Aprile 2013, Houston, TX
28th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
14-16 Aprile 2013, Bangkok
Annual Conference on Management and Social Sciences (ACMSS Conference 2013)
15-18 Aprile 2013, Verona
Intercultural counselling and education in the global world
16-18 Aprile 2013, Jeddah (Arabia Saudita)
The 9th International Conference on Psychiatry: Bridging the gap between Science, Culture and Clinical Psychiatry
18-19 Aprile 2013, Barcellona
20th International Symposium on Current issues and Controversies in Psychiatry
18-20 Aprile 2013, WA (Australia)
APS Forensic Psychology Conference
18-20 Aprile 2013, Seattle
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
18-21 Aprile 2013, Seul
9th International Congress on Mental Disorders & Other Non-Motor features in Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders
19-20 Aprile 2013, Udine
La rappresentazione del Corpo nei Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare: dal laboratorio alla clinica
23-30 Aprile 2013, Londra
The Online Conference in Social Sciences and Education & Doctoral Symposium
26-28 Aprile 2013, Syracuse, NY
The 2013 Emphatic Therapy Conference
26-28 Aprile 2013, Madrid
International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends
27 Aprile–1 Maggio 2013, San Francisco
American Education Research Association Annual Conference
9-11 Maggio 2013, Praga
4th Global Conference on Pain: A Making Sense of Project
9-11 Maggio 2013, Praga
11th Global Conference on Violence: Prohibing the Boundaries
10-11 Maggio 2013, Kuala Lumpur
International Research Conference on Commerce, Economics, Humanities and Social Science
10-12 Maggio 2013, Orvieto
X Congresso Nazionale SIPSA
14-17 Maggio 2013, Aix-en-Provence
International Conference for Academic Disciplines
16-19 Maggio 2013, Los Angeles
Work, Stress, and Health 2013: Protecting and Promoting Total Worker Health
19-20 Maggio 2013, Copenhagen
1st Journal Conference on Social Sciences and Humanity
20-21 Maggio 2013, Melbourne
Girls in Education International Conference
21-24 Maggio 2013, Praga
3rd Global Conference on Femminities & Masculinities: A Gender & Sexuality Project
22-25 Maggio 2013, Münster
EAWOP 2013
23-24 Maggio 2013, Ibiza
The Macrotheme Conference on Business and Social Science
23-26 Maggio 2013, Washington, DC
25th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Sciences
23-26 Maggio 2013, New York
The Finance, Global Management, Economics & Information Technology Research Conference
26-27 Maggio 2013, Orvieto
Sesto Convegno Nazionale di Psicologia dell'Invecchiamento
27-30 Maggio 2013, Atene
7th Annual International Conference on Psychology
2-5 Giugno 2013, Gerusalemme
Neuroplasticity and Cognitive Modifiability
4-5 Giugno 2013, Londra
DSM-5 and the Future of Psychiatric Diagnosis
4-6 Giugno 2013, Sydney
Advances in Clinical Supervision
5-8 Giugno 2013, Lipsia
14th International Congress of the International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology
6-8 Giugno 2013, Cancun
2nd International Symposium on Controversies in Psychiatry
7-10 Giugno 2013, New York
The Creativity Workshop
13-15 Giugno 2013, Salonicco
ISIS-Greece International Multidisciplinary Academic Conference
14-16 Giugno 2013, Pechino
International Conference on Education, Economic, Psychology, and Society
17-21 Giugno 2013, Salisburgo
Euro-American Conference for Academic Disciplines
19-21 Giugno 2013, Istanbul
European Conference on Social Science Research
20 Giugno 2013, Derby, UK
Second Conference on Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology
20-22 Giugno 2013, Padova
Conferenza Internazionale. Life Design: Instillare la speranza e fortificare la resilienza
23-29 Giugno 2013, Chania, Grecia
The Creativity Workshop
27-28 Giugno 2013, Dubrovnik
Business and Social Science Research Conference
29 Giugno-3 luglio 2013, Lisbona
World Congress for Social Psychiarty
2-4 Luglio 2013, Bangkok
International Conference of Organizational Innovation
3-7 Luglio 2013, Zagabria
4th ENSEC Conference – Social and Emotional Competence in a Changing World
8 Luglio 2013, Ipswich
Children and Childhoods Conference
9-12 Luglio 2013, Stoccolma
ECP 2013: European Congress of Psychology
11-14 Luglio 2013, Londra
The Economics, Finance, MIS & International Business Research Conference
15-17 Luglio 2013, Digione (Francia)
Understanding Employee Dishonesty Behaviours in the Workplace
17-20 Luglio 2013, Porto
35th International School Psychology Association Conference
17-20 Luglio 2013, San Sebastian
ECPA12: European Conference of Psychological Assessment
18-20 Luglio 2013, Oxford
3rd Global Conference: Childhood
22-25 Luglio 2013, Lima
7th World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT)
25-27 Luglio 2013, Vancouver
4th Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology
25-31 Luglio 2013, Firenze
The Creativity Workshop in Florence
31 luglio-4 Agosto 2013, Honolulu
2013 APA Annual Conference
1-4 Agosto 2013, Istanbul
The Finance, MIS, Economics & Global Business Research Conference
6-9 Agosto 2013, Istanbul
International Conference on Clinical and Counselling Psychology
18-23 Agosto 2013, Copenaghen
XIX International Congress for Analytical Psychology
20-24 Agosto 2013, Dubrovnik
Exploring Your Life Story through Art & Body Psychotherapy
22-24 Agosto 2013, Daejeon (Sud Corea)
5th Asian Congress of Health Psychology
22-25 Agosto 2013, Varsavia
18th International Conference – Best practice in psychological therapies for psychosis
25-28 Agosto 2013, Brisbane
International Council on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety Conference
26-31 Agosto 2013, Monaco di Baviera
EARLI 15th Biennal Conference
27-30 Agosto 2013, Losanna
Congress of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion
1-3 Settembre 2013, Oxford
3rd Global Conference: The Value of Work
5-7 Settembre 2013, Oxford
3rd Global Conference: Communication and Conflict
7-10 Settembre 2013, Sunny Beach (Bulgaria)
7th International Conference: Language, Individual & Society
10-12 Settembre 2013, Liverpool
British Academy of Management Conference 2013 – Managing to Make a Difference
14-18 Settembre 2013, Riyadh (Arabia Saudita)
12th Asian Oceanic Congress on Child Neurology
24-26 Settembre 2013, Nagoya (Giappone)
International Conference on Information and Social Science
25 - 28 Settembre 2013, Antalia (Turchia)
Third International Conference on Talent Development and Excellence
27-29 Settembre 2013, Kuala Lumpur
International Symposium on Education, Psychology, and Social Sciences
30 Settembre-1 Ottobre 2013, San Antonio
International Conference on Psychology, Autism and Alzheimer’s Disease
5-6 Ottobre 2013, Bologna